Inpatient Rehab in Middletown, NJ

Substance abuse acts differently in each person; while some individuals quickly become addicted even with brief exposure, others resist these effects. Our experts in inpatient rehab in Middletown recognize that the process of ending addiction comes with unpredictability. While some addicts do leave their habit behind with relative ease, the process exacts a heavy price of others.

It is impossible to predict how addiction withdrawal might affect a given individual. Erring on the side of caution is sensible, however. In addition, opportunities can be hard to come by, and each one counts. It is the logical choice to pick the kind of rehab approach that offers the greatest assurance of success at the first attempt.

The best way to proceed is to choose a rehab approach that offers the most medical treatment, care, monitoring, supervision, and accountability. By these measures, inpatient rehab makes far more sense than the outpatient option.

Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab involves coming in for treatment — medications, therapy, and so on — once a day, but continuing with life as always. You go to work and live at home while you accept treatment. It tends to be an affordable alternative to choose outpatient care, and it is often considered the default option by families considering rehab.

In general, families hesitate to choose an inpatient rehab treatment center for reasons of expense. Inpatient rehab is the more complete and thorough treatment alternative. It involves checking into a residential facility, and staying over several weeks for detoxification and related treatment.

Since both inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab appear to offer the same kind of medication and counseling, families unfamiliar with the nuances of rehab treatment often assume that it is in no way inferior. In reality, however, these approaches offer very different results.

What are the Main Differences?

Prevention, rather than management: In many cases, the appearance of withdrawal symptoms throughout detox is about more than discomfort. According to our experts in inpatient rehab in Middletown, it's a matter of success or failure of treatment.

The appearance of serious symptoms such as seizures can ruin the possibility of a full recovery. The close monitoring needed to prevent withdrawal symptoms is only possible with inpatient care at our center for drug detox in Middletown.

Customized care: Unlike outpatient programs, inpatient rehab programs involve the creation of customized plans for each patient. These take the physical and mental health of each patient into account to ensure that all drugs and care prescribed benefit, rather than harm the patient's health.

Precise care: Inpatient rehab programs offer treatment under controlled conditions. Unlike outpatient treatment systems, where patients receive care from different doctors who end up being hard to keep track of, inpatient care comes with one set of professionals who are able to talk to one another, consult one another's records and offer well-tracked care.

Care in complex situations: Complicated conditions such as ones involving prolonged addictions and concurrently diagnosed mental disorders can throw up many unpredictable challenges, most of which need the close and careful attention only possible in inpatient circumstances.

Education: In any inpatient rehab center, patients do not spend their time watching television all day. Rather, they spend it trying to get better. Therapy and counseling are offered all day, every day. Making a full recovery that much more possible.

Types of Inpatient Programs

Short-term inpatient: Residential programs that last up to three months provide intensive care. With a great deal of personal support and group therapy, individual counseling and education, these programs achieve encouraging results.

Long-term inpatient: Programs last up to a year, and offer treatment to patients who have experienced addiction for so long, they are unable to function in society on their own. Residents and staff work together to help rebuild social and other skills among patients.

Transitional inpatient stay: This approach helps those who have graduated from rehab, and need a protective living environment that guarantees gentle entry back into life. These environments offer freedom from drugs and a certain amount of discipline.

Inpatient rehab for addiction may appear to be just as valid as outpatient care. In reality, however, they could not be more different. If you have questions about the best alternative to choose, a chat with experts in inpatient rehab in Middletown can help you proceed with confidence. All you need to do is simply pick up the phone.

Call us today to learn more about our other addiction treatment programs in Middletown at (877) 804-1531.

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